Deploy a model on the AI4OS Inference platform using the Dashboard

The Dashboard offers the possibility to deploy a model as serverless using the AI4OS Inference Platform (based on OSCAR).

✅ Pros

❌ Cons

  • You are not consuming resources when you are not using the model,

  • Deployments can auto-scale to fit peaks in user queries,

  • Zero configuration needed as the model is deployed in the AI4OS stack.

  • Predictions can have some latency, due to the AI model being loaded at each prediction.

1. Choose your module and deploy

The first step is to choose a module from the Dashboard. Under the Platform Categories tag section, select any module that has the tag AI4 Inference.

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate a simple prediction using the popular YOLO module.


In the module page, click on the option Deploy > Inference API (serverless). This will automatically deploy your OSCAR service with some predefined configuration.

Module compatibility

  • Inference endpoints only work for models that return a JSON response (that is the case for most models).

  • Modules require a DEEPaaS version higher than 2.5.0 to work with OSCAR inference endpoints (that is the case for most models). If the module does not have a supported DEEPaaS, it will return a clear error message when trying to make an inference.

2. Make a prediction

Retrieve the service information

In the Inference tab, go to the Serverless (OSCAR) table and find your newly created service.


Click on Info fo your service and you will find all the variables you need for making a prediction:

  • for synchronous calls: the endpoint you will query and the secret token you need for authentication.

  • for asynchronous calls: all the variables related to the MINIO storage that handles your predictions.


Finding the model inputs

Before making a prediction with that service, you first need to know what are the required inputs the model needs.

The following Python script demonstrates how to make a synchronous call asking for help. To use the script, you have to replace the endpoint and token variables with the values retrieved above.

import base64

import requests

endpoint = "***********************"
token = "*************************************************************************"

data = {"help": ""}
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
r =, headers=headers, json=data)

if r.status_code == 401:
    raise Exception("Invalid token.")
if not r.ok:
    raise Exception(f"Some error has occurred: {r}")


In this case, we receive what are the inputs needed by the YOLO model.

-h, --help
        show this help message and exit
--files FILES
        Input an image or Video.
        accepted image formats: .bmo, .dng, .jpg, .jpeg, .mpo, .png, .tif, .tiff, .pfm, and .webp.
        accepted video formats: .asf, .avi, .gif, .m4v, .mkv,.mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .ts, .wmv, .webm
        Type: str (filepath)

Response status codes

If the call returns a 502 error, you should wait a bit more, your docker image is probably getting pulled!

If the error persists, please contact support.

Synchronous predictions

Now that we know the inputs needed, it’s time to make a synchronous prediction call on a bear image with the YOLO model service.

The following Python script demonstrates how to make a synchronous call with some model inputs. It is important to note that:

  • All parameters for the model should be passed inside a JSON payload.

  • If the model needs a file (as it is the case here), it should be passed encoded as base64 in the oscar-files field in the data.

As before, to use the script, you have to replace the endpoint and token variables with the values retrieved above.

import base64

import requests

endpoint = "***********************"
token = "*************************************************************************"

def get_base64(fpath):
    with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
        encoded_str = base64.b64encode("utf-8")
    return encoded_str

data = {
    "oscar-files": [
            "key": "files",
            "file_format": "jpg",
            "data": get_base64("./bear.jpg"),
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
r =, headers=headers, json=data)

if r.status_code == 401:
    raise Exception("Invalid token.")
if not r.ok:
    raise Exception(f"Some error has occurred: {r}")


The script will print the logs, along with the JSON output of the model (in this case, the prediction made by YOLO).

2024-09-30 12:09:19.502 29 INFO deepaas.cmd.cli [-] return: ['[\n  {\n    "name": "bear",\n    "class": 21,\n    "confidence": 0.93346,\n    "box": {\n      "x1": 109.39322,\n      "y1": 26.39718,\n      "x2": 627.42999,\n      "y2": 597.74689\n    }\n  }\n]']

Asynchronous predictions

Finally, it is also possible to make asynchronous calls to the same service.

This approach is especially beneficial when:

  • You have lots of data. This is because you upload all the data to the Minio bucket, and we will process that data in parallel. When the predictions are completed you can retrieve them from the bucket.

  • You need to automatize the processing of the predictions. This is because with this approach we save separately the logs (in a .log file) and the predictions (in a .json file). If the prediction was not successful, you will only retrieve the log file.

The following Python script demonstrates how to upload some inputs to the bucket, list the contents of the bucket and download the outputs when the predictions are ready.

To use the script, you have to replace the Minio-related variables with the values retrieved above.

import base64
import json
import time

import boto3

# This information is retrieved from your deployment information window
MINIO_BUCKET = "ai4papi-*************************************************"
MINIO_URL = "https://****************************************************"
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = "**********************************************"
MINIO_SECRET_KEY = "*****************************************************"

# This is how you decide to name your new prediction
prediction_ID = "test-prediction"

# Local paths (in current folder)
pth_local_input = f"input-{prediction_ID}.json"
pth_local_output = f"output-{prediction_ID}.json"
pth_local_logs = f"output-{prediction_ID}.log"

# Remote paths (in the bucket)
# Two files will be produced in the output folder of the bucket
# * <input_filename>.json: this file has the output of the prediction, in JSON format.
#   --> this will only be created if the prediction is successful
# * <input_filename>.log: this file has the logs of the prediction.
#   --> this will always be created
pth_remote_input = f"inputs/{prediction_ID}.json"
pth_remote_output = f"outputs/{prediction_ID}.json"
pth_remote_logs = f"outputs/{prediction_ID}.log"

# Prepare the data you want to predict
def get_base64(fpath):
    Encode files as base64. We need to do this to pass files as prediction inputs in
    the JSON file.
    with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
        encoded_str = base64.b64encode("utf-8")
    return encoded_str

data = {
    "oscar-files": [
            "key": "files",
            "file_format": "jpg",
            "data": get_base64("./bear.jpg"),

# Create the JSON file
with open(pth_local_input, "w") as f:
    json.dump(data, f)

# Init the Minio Object Store
client = boto3.client(

# Upload the inputs to the bucket
with open(pth_local_input, "rb") as data:
    client.upload_fileobj(data, MINIO_BUCKET, pth_remote_input)
print(f"Uploaded data to {pth_remote_input} in bucket {MINIO_BUCKET}")

# Now we wait until the prediction is made
while True:
    # List objects in the bucket
    r = client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=MINIO_BUCKET)
    contents = [i["Key"] for i in r["Contents"]]

    # If the output is available, download it
    if pth_remote_logs in contents:
        with open(pth_local_logs, "wb") as data:
            client.download_fileobj(MINIO_BUCKET, pth_remote_logs, data)
        print(f"Downloaded logs from {pth_remote_logs} in bucket {MINIO_BUCKET}")

        # Prediction JSON will only be available if the prediction was successful
        if pth_remote_output in contents:
            with open(pth_local_output, "wb") as data:
                client.download_fileobj(MINIO_BUCKET, pth_remote_output, data)
            print(f"Downloaded data from {pth_remote_output} in bucket {MINIO_BUCKET}")


        print("Waiting for the prediction to complete ...")

This script will produce a .log file with the OSCAR logs and a .json file with the prediction of the YOLO model.

3. More info

Make a prediction using Bash

For completeness sake, we provide the equivalent commands to perform the above operations in Bash, instead of Python.

ㅤㅤ Synchronous call with YOLO (Bash)

Find the input parameters needed by the model:

$ curl --location '***endpoint***' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer ***token***' \
    --data '{"help": ""}'

Make a synchronous call with an image input:

# Create a JSON payload with the base64 data and save it to a temporary file
"oscar-files": [
    "key": "files",
    "file_format": "jpg",
    "data": "$(base64 /home/iheredia/bear.jpg | tr -d "\n")"

# Save the JSON payload to a temporary file

# Step 3: Use curl to send the request with the JSON payload from the temporary file
curl --location ***endpoint***' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ***token***' \
--data @"$TEMP_JSON_FILE"

# Clean up the temporary file

Learn how to feed different input types

We are going to demonstrate how to send a more complete set of input parameters to OSCAR.

For educational purposes, we are going to use the official AI4EOSC demo module. While this model does not perform an AI task, it is very helpful as it shows the wide variety of inputs that can be sent to OSCAR inference endpoints.

So go back to the previous steps and deploy the ai4os-demo-app. Once you have retrieved your endpoint and token, you can run the following Python script to make the prediction from your local computer:

ㅤㅤ Synchronous call with the demo app (Python)
import ast
import base64

import requests

token = '*************************'
url = '***************************'

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',

def get_base64(fpath):
    with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
        encoded_str = base64.b64encode('utf-8')
    return encoded_str

data = {
    'demo_str': 'hi there!!!!',
    'demo_str_choice': 'choice1',
    'demo_int': -3,
    'demo_int_range': 42,
    'demo_float': -0.9,
    'demo_bool': False,
    'demo_dict': '{"c": "d"}',
    'demo_list_of_floats': "[1.2, -1.8]",
    'oscar-files': [
            'key': 'demo_image',
            'file_format': 'png',
            'data': get_base64('./sample-image.png'),
            'key': 'demo_audio',
            'file_format': 'wav',
            'data': get_base64('./sample-audio.wav'),
            'key': 'demo_video',
            'file_format': 'mp4',
            'data': get_base64('./sample-video.mp4'),
# data = {'help': ''}

r =, headers=headers, json=data)
out = r.text

if r.status_code == 401:
    raise Exception('Invalid token.')


Additional customizations

Do you want to manually deploy your OSCAR services for greater customization? Check how to Manually deploy a serverless inference endpoint